1. Follow the links in the treasure hunt and prepare a blog with the answers.
You can add images and videos to illustrate it.
2. Prepare an oral presentation of about 3 minutes including:
-Brief introduction.
-Global warming and its effects.
-Conclusion/Personal opinion: answer the big question in the treasure hunt.
3. Record your presentation and add it to the blog you've prepared.
4. Finally, add a link with your new blog in your class portfolio blog.
EVALUATION: 25% of the mark this term!
An inconvenient truth.-
The global warming with Al Gore

What's global warming?
·Is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans.
What's causing it?
·The atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations is the main cause of the global warming. The human activity increase the CO2 gas and the greenhouse effect retains more infrared radiations. These radiations warm up the atmosphere and that's how the globe temperature of the Earth's increase.
Watch the trailer...
What are Gore's main ideas?
·Some ideas of Al Gore:
-The global warming is caused by the humans.
-The Earth isn't the guilty of the natural catastrophes.
-We have to act fast to save the planet.
Do you agree?
·Yes, I agree completely.
A slideshow into a movie
With wikipedia, answer...
What's the movie based on?
·The movie is based on the global warming. It exposes, with a slideshow, that the global warming is real, catastrophic and caused by the humans.
What's President Bush's reaction to it?
·He refused see the film; he didn't want to watch it.
Is it just a political issue?
·No, it isn't. I think that Al Gore only tried to conscience people about the global warming.
Are the book and documentary based on scientific basis?
·Yes, they are made with scientific information.
Listen the interview.
Can you name some of the most important awards it received?
·Yes: The Academy Award for Documentary Feature (2006), a special recognition from the Humanitas Prize, the Stanley Kramer Award (2007) and the Nobel Peace Prize (2007).
Which one is the most important?
·The Nobel Peace Prize is the most important award.
Take action!
Enumerate five things you can do to save the planet:
1. Don't waste water.
2. Recycle all the possible one.
3. Use renewable energies if I can.
4. Turn off unnecessary lights.
5. Plant a tree; it will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
Stop and think...
1. Don't waste water.
2. Recycle all the possible one.
3. Use renewable energies if I can.
4. Turn off unnecessary lights.
5. Plant a tree; it will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
Stop and think...
"You look at that river gently flowing by. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind. You hear the birds; you hear the tree frogs. In the distance you hear a cow. You feel the grass. The mud gives a little bit on the river bank. It’s quiet; it’s peaceful. And all of a sudden, it’s a gear shift inside you. And it’s like taking a deep breath and going, 'Oh yeah, I forgot about this'." ~ Al Gore in the opening monologue of An Inconvenient Truth.
Some of the sentences you've read or listened to are really striking.
Choose one that you specially liked:
"We have to act together to save this global crisis."
The big questions
1. Is it really so important to stop global warming?
·Yes, it is really important because the Earth situation makes worse year after year. If we continued this way, we will destroy the Earth.
2. Did we betray the planet or did the planet betray us?
·I think that we betray the planet. The Earth isn't the guilty of the changes, the human is the only responsible of this crisis.
I think that because a lot of gases are emitted by humans, and this gases damage the atmosphere. If the atmosphere gets worse, the Earth will be destroied. Therefore, the fault is of the human.
This is my slideshow. In it, you can see images about the global warming: the causes, the greenhouse effects, defrosting, the animals in critical state, the changes of the nature and the increase of the sea level.
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